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Terms & Conditions

All products and services come with small print and it is really important you take some time to look at it to make sure you fully understand the terms and conditions you’ll be entering into with us. We also want you to be confident about how we will handle your data to make sure it is secure and this is explained in our privacy policy.

Conditions for the Provision of Services

Extra Charges on your bill

Some types of calls, messaging and data use aren’t included in your tariff, so you’ll be charged extra for them. And if you use up your normal allowance of calls, texts or data, you’ll be charged for any usage on top of this.

Please select the appropriate service and tariff for details. Your Account Manager will gladly help if you have any questions.

Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy refers to personal data, this is defined as information concerning any living person (a natural person who hereafter will be called the Data Subject) that is not already in the public domain.

The Data Protection Act (DPA), Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) and The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which is EU wide and far more extensive, seek to protect and enhance the rights of data subjects.

These rights cover the safeguarding of personal data, protection against the unlawful processing of personal data and the unrestricted movement of personal data within the EU. It should be noted that GDPR does not apply to information already in the public domain such as Companies House data.

Unified World Communications is pleased to provide our Privacy Policy

Environmental Policy

This policy applies to all activities undertaken by Unified World Communications Limited and impacts upon key suppliers and customers.

We are committed to minimising the environmental impact of our operations. In particular, we will achieve this through our commitment to:

  • comply with all relevant legislation and regulations;
  • regularly review the environmental impact of our activities, endeavour to reduce our overall environmental impact and prevent waste using best practice techniques;
  • involve employees in our environmental programme and provide the necessary training to enable them to discharge their responsibilities;
  • sustain a programme of continual improvement in environmental performance incorporating suitable measurement and monitoring mechanisms;
  • work with key suppliers to encourage them to develop environmental best practice; and improve resource efficiency (including our use of water, energy and raw materials).
  • strive to become a ‘paperless office’ through the use of latest technology techniques.

Ofcom Regulations

Unified World Communications is committed to fairness, inclusiveness, compliance and providing every customer with the best service with every interaction. As a telecommunications provider, we must adhere to the regulations stipulated by the regulator, Ofcom. Ofcom has a series of standards, best practices and strict regulations called “General Conditions of Entitlement” that all telecom companies comply with. We believe that we exceed the minimum standards pertained by any legal regulations.

C1 Contract Requirements

This condition aims to protect consumers and end-users by ensuring that contracts for a connection to a public electronic communications network or for public electronic communications services include minimum terms and information. It also sets out requirements about contract duration, contract renewal, end-of-contract notifications, annual best tariff information, facilitating changes of communications provider and end-users’ rights to terminate a contract, which are designed to ensure that end-users are treated fairly and able to switch to a different provider in appropriate cases.

Related documents: Ofcom’s guidance on Condition C1 (PDF, 375.5 KB)

C2 Information publication and transparency requirements

This condition aims to ensure the availability of adequate, up-to-date, comparable information for consumers on the prices, tariffs, terms and conditions of communications services, and any charges applicable on termination of their contract so as to enable consumers to compare easily the offers and services available in the market. In addition, it aims to ensure that pricing and charges relating to premium rate services, non-geographic numbers and personal numbers are clear.

The condition also requires information to be made available to small and medium-sized business customers about the levels of service offered to them and the payment of compensation for certain failures in service quality, and requires the provision of information to third parties for the purposes of providing qualifying comparison tools.

Related documents: Statement on Digital comparison tools (PDF, 594.9 KB)

C3 Billing Requirements

This condition aims to ensure that customers of communications providers are not overcharged and that they receive the services they are charged and pay for, that they can adequately control how much they spend on the usage of voice call and data services, and that they are treated fairly where they have not paid their bills.

Related content:

C4 Complaints handling and dispute resolution

This condition ensures that all communications providers handle complaints they receive from their customers in accordance with certain minimum procedural standards. This condition requires communications providers to ensure that their complaints handling procedures are accessible to customers, including those who are disabled and those who are in circumstances that may make them vulnerable, and to set out their complaints handling procedures in a code of practice. This condition also requires communications providers to be members of an independent alternative dispute scheme and to comply with the decisions of that scheme.

C5 Measures to meet the needs of vulnerable consumers and end-users with disabilities

This condition aims to ensure that communications providers give sufficient consideration to the particular needs of people with disabilities and people whose circumstances may make them vulnerable. It also aims to ensure that people with disabilities can obtain comparable access to public electronic communications services to that of non-disabled people and that their access to these services when they have a genuine need is protected.

Related documents:

C6 Calling line identification facilities

This condition requires communications providers to provide calling line identification facilities by default wherever technically feasible and economically viable, so that call recipients can identify the person calling them and choose whether or not to accept the call.

To assist with the identification of callers and reduce the incidence of nuisance calls, all communications providers should ensure that any telephone number associated with a call at the network level and/or presented to a call recipient is a valid, diallable number which enables the calling party to be identified, so that the call recipient can make a return call to that person.

Related documents: Ofcom’s CLI Guidelines (PDF, 296.7 KB)

C7 Switching

This condition aims to protect domestic and small business customers during the process of switching their landline and/or broadband services, either when moving from one communications provider to another, or staying with the same communications provider when moving location, or changing services with the same communications provider. It also aims to protect domestic and small business customers when switching mobile provider, whether or not they bring their mobile number with them when they switch.

C8 Sales and marketing of mobile communications services

This condition aims to protect consumers, microenterprise and small enterprise customers and not-for-profit customers by ensuring communications providers observe certain obligations when selling and marketing their mobile call and text services. It also requires communications providers to put in place certain minimum standard provisions in respect of the sales and marketing behaviour of their retailers.

Customer Complaints Procedure

At Unified World Communications Limited we are committed to providing our customers with an excellent level of service. We recognise that we sometimes get it wrong, and when we do, we want you to tell us so that we can put things right as quickly and smoothly as possible.

With this in mind, we have developed complaints procedure which explains who you should contact and what do if you have a complaint about Unified World Communications’ services. The complaints procedure is described here.

Ofgem Regulations

The TPI Code of Practice is a set of standards that set the benchmark for responsible, high-quality TPIs selling energy to micros businesses. By signing up to this Code of Practice, Unified World agrees to:

  • be bound by it
  • make sure their people (including any third parties they use)
  • know it and stick to it tell the customers they’re selling to what the Code is and where to find it
  • uphold the public image and reputation of the suppliers they represent.